Pick-up is available at BSC (Daily from 11am-8pm) and Plaza Damas (Weekdays, 10am-5pm). Please call ahead to ensure your order is ready.

For customers in KL/PJ, the last call for online orders is 2pm, Mon, Jan 27 for delivery by Tues, Jan 28.

For orders outside of KL/PJ, online orders will arrive after Chinese New Year.

Goryeohong Ginseng XO Brandy

40% | 70cl | XO | Brandy 

( Tax Included )

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This brandy uses at least a four-year-old Korean Ginseng that was extracted and then aged with the whole root ingredients for 100 days in low temperature.  


  1. 具有大補元氣,益血,安神
  2. 調節神經,促進新陳代謝
  3. 增强體力,提高免疫功能
  4. 有效抑制高血壓等疾病

中國之前的毛澤東主席,晚年患病,朝鮮當時的領導人金日城,送了一些年份久的高麗人蔘給他,毛澤東的醫生用這些人蔘泡茅台酒給他喝,毛澤東靠這個酒養活了十多年的命,他死後,中國政府把這缸酒送了給茅台公司,現存放在茅台工廠的博物館內。所以人民便知道品質優良的高麗人蔘,泡酒是很有藥用價值的,但要四十度以上的優質酒才有更好效果,而 XO 便後適了,市場上有韓國酒泡人蔘産品,但由于酒精度衹有約三十度,所以效果一定沒有 XO 的好。


Weight1 kg